Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Funeral And Mourning Rituals Of Judaism - 1583 Words
How are the customary funeral and mourning rituals of Judaism, Protestant Christianity, Roman Catholicism, and Islam similar and different? Judaism and Islam have similar funeral practices. Both Islam and Judaism appoint the responsibilities of the burial of the deceased within their communities. Both traditions require the dead be buried as promptly as possible. It is for the body to be buried on the same day of the death. Islam and Judaism forbid embalming and routine autopsies as desecration of the dead. However, both religions consider organ donation as permissible. Muslims are strictly forbidden from the process of cremation, while Jewish rules on cremation can vary depending on the denomination. Conservative Jews oppose cremation while the process has become an increasingly more popular and acceptable practice among Reform Jews. In both religions the body is considered sacred and handled with care. Muslims are obligated to perform a procedure known as ghusl, or washing, on the body of the deceased. This procedure should be done by community members of the same gender. A deceased man should be washed by a male relative and a deceased woman by a female relative. During the procedure all clothes are removed from the body leaving the private areas covered. The deceased is then washed three times with a combination of both water and scented oils. The body is then wrapped in a plain white cloth called a kafan. The kafan is composed of three pieces of material for men and aShow MoreRelatedDeath And The After Life Essay2327 Words  | 10 Pagesculture. No one escapes death, but the ways that the following cultures view death, mourning and the after-life are very different. This paper will explore the different death and dying cultures of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. Each of these cultur es shares a unique perspective on death that has withstood centuries of living. 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Before the turn of the century, death usually took place in the home (DeSpelder, Strickland, 6). A coffin was built that was then set up in the parlor of the home. Friends, acquaintances, and other relatives would come to the family’s home to view the body and share in the act of mourning. Children even sometimes slept in the sameRead More Hinduism Vs. Judaism Essay2896 Words  | 12 Pagespresence of religion in ones life. Religion implants its principles in a person and their attitudes, personality, morals and ethics and alters it to a great extent. This essay aims to compare and contrast the basic principles Judaism and Hinduism and their religious rituals of marriage and death, also to studying how it may effect on ones personality. Hinduism is one of the oldest and most ancient religions, it is the religion of more than four-fifths of the Indian subcontinents population;
Monday, December 16, 2019
Take Home Final Exam Free Essays
The following plates will be reviewed from Rosebush’s History of Photography textbook: 1) Charles Sheller, Industry, plate #585 2) Eve Seaman, Oranges, Manhattan 1978, plate #743 3) Berne and Hill Becker, Winding Towers, plate #736 4) Aaron Siskin, New York NO. 6, 1951, plate #664 5) Lynn Cohen, Corridor, plate #700 6) Mary Ellen Mark, Tiny in her Halloween Costume, Seattle, plate #689 Charles Sheller, Industry’ Charles Seller’s image, Industry represents a time during the Industrial Age when Ford was uncompromising machinery and assembly lines were moving at a constant rate. Seller’s work can be placed in the Aesthetically Evaluative à ©tagà ¨re due to the symmetry and balance in the photograph. We will write a custom essay sample on Take Home Final Exam or any similar topic only for you Order Now The shapes and lines crisscross and work together to form a well-composed photograph. A second category to place Industry in would be Descriptive because this photograph has a certain sense of style that we cannot deny. A third category is Explanatory because the image depicts a certain era of time that significant in the history books. This era is the Industrial Age in America. Explanatory photographs are intended to document a certain way of life. Charles Seller’s Industry certainly earns a place in the history books not only because of this lance/symmetric sense of style shown in the image but it illustrates how the use of space or lack of can really accent the photograph as a whole and make it aesthetically pleasing to the eye. On the same note, during this time great changes were occurring and manufacturing was booming so kudos to the photographer, Charles Shelley, for not only capturing this in a documentary form but composing a beautiful image as well. His work would be categorized in the era of Modernist photography because of his efforts in the asses and later. His work also depicts the great changes ND during that time and changes that the Industrial Age brought about. You can see examples of this through his documentary photography of Henry Ford and his manufacturing lines. Artists involved in photographing dramatic engineering and urban landscapes can be grouped together as Protectionists. Protectionists pay special attention t geometrical structures and have a smooth handling of surfaces. They have unexpected viewpoints in the sense of angle and the way they crop their picture. Charles Demise’s idea of Cubism-geometric shapes and overlapping planeloads be found in this Protectionist form and style. Eve Seaman, Oranges, Manhattan 1978 Eve Seaman’s image can be interpretive in regards to addressing what the world views are in this photographers eyes. A category that could be used for interpreting this photograph would be Descriptive because the particular style works, being a diptych, and allows views to compare and interpret the two photographs. A second category could be Aesthetic because one looking at the photo and noting the color changes as far as shading goes on the person’s face, the change in action of the subjects in the photograph, and the existing question f â€Å"what is going on right now? †in the photograph. I also appreciate the white line in the middle of the image as a whole making it a diptych. Today there is less room between the two photos and I like the style of this one. Seaman’s image falls into the modernistic era due to the stylistic properties as far as the alteration of the image and the comparison of each to each other. Eve Seaman’s success should never be discounted and embarking on these stylistic endeavors are worth printing in the history books because of the way it was altered. Berne and Hill Becker, Winding Towers Berne and Hill Becker s Winding Towers is described to be art about art. Thomas South’s Museum Photographs is similar to the Beeches, as discussed in class. A category I would classify this piece of work would be Theoretical photography because you can Compare these Structures to social class and hierarchy because of the nature in which the tower itself is structured. It is also said that art about art is classified as Theoretical. Another category would be Explanatory because the photograph explains in a scientific sense by capturing these photos over a number of years and in owing so the photographers have created a typology of form. There is also a nice tonal range represented here so this image can also be categorized as stylistically sound or Descriptive because the piece â€Å"works†. The work can be classified as Modernist art since they create typologies of form that challenge the traditional meanings of art. Berne and Hill Becker have rightfully earned their place in the history books because of the typology documented and their technique of which to gather the information over time. All photographs are said to fit in the descriptive category, interpretive and heretical, as stated in the onset of Terry Barrette’s Criticizing Photographs, chapter 4. Since all photographs give relatively accurate information of people, places and objects, they can technically fit in the descriptive category. Moreover, all photographs can fit in the interpretive category because most photographs interpret how the photographer interprets and sees the world. Finally all photographs are influenced by other art forms so these photographs can be placed in the theoretical category. Aaron Siskin, New York No. 6 Aaron Skin’s New York No. 6 is Aesthetically Evaluative cause the lines and shapes and ongoing symmetry work together to create on cohesive piece of art. This photograph looks similar to the one of Charles Sheller, Industry because has qualities of lines, shape and form and the importance of all of these aspects fitting into one aesthetically pleasing piece of work. Feel the category of Theoretical is a fit category because it plays with perceptions of art and how the photographer interprets art but also provokes the viewer to question how the art was created. The photograph looks more like a something created with paint or Harold and less likely produced with film. Aaron Siskin, an Abstract Expressionist painter, emphasized experimentation and worked on color, multiple montages, and collages (Rosenberg 516). He was part of the post-war photograph trends in the United States. This group of artist espoused straight photography and therefore can be categorized in the Modernist era. Lynn Cohen, Corridor Lynn Cohen, Corridor can be classified as Aesthetically evaluative because you can see how the image was purposely framed cropped. I think this image ‘works’ and is successful. This image is also categorized as Descriptive cause of the artificial light and the detached distance from the subject matter pictured in the photograph. In looking at the crop of the image and how the image hold most of its weight on the right side of the photo, this image can be seen as Aesthetically evaluative because the photo is a success artistically with composition and style. In saying this, believe that this photograph should remain in the history books because it gives viewers positive insight on the importance of composition and plasticity (or the absence of) in photographs. The era this type of art is seen in is the era of modernism and more pacifically, contemporary surrealism. Mary Ellen Mark, Tiny in her Halloween Costume Mary Ellen Mark, Tiny in her Halloween Costume can be classified as Ethically Evaluative because it illustrates a certain time in this young girls life and how her life is affected by the neighborhood she lives in the peer pressure that surrounds her to fit in or not to fit in. This photograph can also be considered Interpretive because this category covers the directorial nature of the photographer with its subject matter. Mary Ellen Mark’s photograph can also be categorized as Explanatory because the image can be viewed as a sociological or anthropological perspective because it is a visual study of a Seattle area using a very documentary style of photography. This is a successful picture because it is aesthetically pleasing in that the photograph is very stylistic: the picture is in black and white so it gives off a moody vibe. Mary Ellen Mark’s photograph should remain in the history books because it provides insight on how society was during this era and the poverty that some people had to live in. Streetwise was produced during the Modernist/Post-Modernist era because he portrait is untraditional in the Pictorial sense. In other words, it’s not meant to be smoothing to the eye or flattering but more of a documentary style picture. Personal Work As a photographer, I must also be able to evaluate and categorize my own work. Not only that but it’s important to identify as to WHY we capture certain images. What is interesting about the pictures we create? If we can’t identify with or answer these questions, why would someone else care about the work or find the photographs intriguing? How to cite Take Home Final Exam, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
International Expansion Of An Australian Juice Company - samples
Question: Discuss about the International Expansion Of An Australian Juice Company. Answer: Introduction International marketing is a good opportunity for the domestic business organizations, as this allows them to explore new markets in the host countries and increase the customer base. As the demand and expectations of the customers in the host country changes with time, the market becomes saturated thereby, stalling the business (Killing 2012). Therefore, international expansion is the best option business organizations can avail for sustaining in the competitive market. This report highlights the international expansion of an Australian juice company of named The Daily Juice Company in the UK. The Daily Juice Company used to manufacture orange juice solely since their establishment. Additionally, the report also consists of the target customers, product positioning, and the suitable market entry strategy. The Daily Juice The Daily Juice is an Australian juice company that produced only orange juices when the company started. The company started in 1989 with only 12 people committed to a big vision. The vision of the company was to produce delicious orange juice that melts in the mouth of the customers. Since the establishment of the company, the orange juice of the company has been highly favored by the Australian customers. As the demand for the orange juice increased over the years in the Australian market, they introduced new fruit juices in their collection. The different types of juices produced by The Daily Company include Nourish Berry, Nourish Green and Nourish orange. The juices produced by the company come in the family pack as well as breakfast bottles. The Daily Juice Company has successfully served the Australian market for the past 25 years and has become a well-loved staple in the Australian household (Dailyjuice.com.au, 2017). PESTLE analysis justifying the selection of the UK Political Stable political environment Proactive government working towards the betterment of the country Economical Worlds 6th largest economy Worlds first industrialized country Social High rate of obesity Unhealthy lifestyle Technological Leading center of scientific revolution Extensive use of technology in daily life Legal Change of legal policies after Brexit Suitable tax policies Environmental Renewable energy market Sustainable business options Political: The UK is the country with stable political environment thereby, facilitating foreign investors and business organizations. The political scenario of the UK hardly signifies any corruption, as the political decisions of the country are still influenced by the British monarchy. Moreover, the proactive nature of the government makes it feasible for the international investors and business organizations. The government of the country is readily involved for the betterment of the country and the people (Howarth and Quaglia 2013). Therefore, launching of healthy fruit juice by the Australian company will be completely supported by the UK government. Economical: The UK has the sixth largest economy in the world that is extremely stabilized since the past years. Moreover, the UK is one of the first industrialized countries in the world thereby, making it one of the most suitable options for foreign investors and international business organizations. According to reports, the current GDP of the UK is $2.62 trillion thereby, facilitating the growth of various business organizations (Bateman et al. 2014). Social: The social environment of the UK states high rate of obesity and different types of diseases. This is due to the unhealthy lifestyle of the country along with lack of awareness about a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, the majority of the UK population depends on fast food that thereby, resulting in high-calorie intake (Buccafurri et al. 2013). Therefore, the unhealthy eating habits of the country provide suitable opportunities for business organizations providing healthy food options. Additionally, the UK is the country with highest literacy rate. Technological: The UK is the country that has facilitated most scientific innovations over the years. The use of technology in the UK is highly facilitated that is beneficial for the business organizations and the foreign investors. The technological advancements of the UK can be used by the foreign business organizations to explore the market thereby, expanding the business by increasing the customer base. Moreover, competition with the companies of the host country is also possible due to technological advancements of the country (Keirstead et al. 2012). Legal: The legal framework of the UK is strict thereby, making it difficult for the international business organizations. The foreign business organizations need to pay taxes that are considerably higher compared to the tax of pay by the local companies. The international business organizations need to maintain the intellectual property rights strictly for conducting business in the UK (Aiyar, Calomiris and Wieladek 2014). However, after Brexit, there have been some changes in the legal policies in the UK for the foreign investors and business organizations that might be difficult to follow. Environmental: The UK government favors sustainable business opportunities that are beneficial for the environment as well as for the people. The UK is the country that is highly concerned with environmental preservation and has undertaken various steps for the benefit of the environment (Keirstead et al. 2012). Target customers in the UK Reports suggest that majority of the people in the UK are living an unhealthy lifestyle and consume mainly fast foods. As a result, obesity and various diseases due to unhealthy eating and living habits are noticed in the UK with a staggering 24.9% (Nhs.uk, 2017). According to reports, in 2014, around 65% of men and 58% of women were obese in the UK that indicated almost 26% increment of obese people in 2014. Additionally, more than one child in every five children has been diagnosed with obesity (Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2017). Based on the current statistics of the UK, the target customers of The Daily Juice Company includes the children, young adults, and adults. As unhealthy lifestyle is noticed within the majority of the UK population, the company has selected a wide range of target customers. Therefore, the healthy properties of the juice along with the availability of different fruit flavors will help in attracting the target customers in the UK. Product Positioning As the UK has previously existed and established healthy fruit juices for the people, The Daily Juice Company needs to position the Nourish Green and Nourish orange fruit juice in a way that helps in attracting the majority of the customers. Initially, providing free samples of the new product to the people is the best option (Sweeting 2013). The employees of the company can set a stall in a market place and provide free samples of the juice to the customers. This will allow the company to reach out large number customers of different ages thereby, communicating with the customers personally. This will help the customers in gaining a better understanding of the healthy properties of the product thereby, influencing their purchase decision. Moreover, the company can distribute brochures containing the details of the products along with advertising both Nourish Green and Nourish orange through television, newspapers, and billboards (Huettl and Gierl 2012). This will help in letting the customer know the health benefits and effects of the product thereby, influencing their purchase decision. Suitable market entry Based on the analysis of the UK market, The Daily Company has decided to enter the UK market by using franchising as the market entry strategy. As commented by Ogutu and Samuel (2012), franchising is defined as the type of ownership in which different owners shares a single brand name. Therefore, The Daily Juice Company will allow the franchisee to use their strategy and trademark in exchange of monetary terms. Therefore, the franchisee of The Daily Juice Company will have to pay some initial fees and royalties based on the generated revenues. However, as a part of the franchise agreement, The Daily Juice Company will provide required support such as training and advertising to the franchisee. As franchising is a cheaper and faster form of expansion than owning new stores in the UK, The Daily Juice Company has selected this market entry strategy (Leitmannslehner and Windsperger 2012). Conclusion In this report, it can be concluded that, after serving the Australian market since the establishment, The Daily Juice Company has decided to emphasize on international expansion. Based on the rate of the unhealthy lifestyle, obesity, and diseases, The Daily Fruit Juice Company has decided to expand their business in the UK. After analyzing the UK environment, the company has observed proactive nature of the government along with the potential requirement of healthy food options. The company has also observed that unhealthy lifestyle is mostly practiced by among the children, young adults, and the adults. Therefore, based on the food habits, the company has selected children, young adults, and adults as the target customers. The launch of delicious and flavor some fruit juice will provide a healthy alternative for the customers. In order to make a mark and attract the attention of the potential customers, the company will communicate the products to the customer by providing them fre e samples of the fruit juice along with advertising it. The Australian company selects franchising as the market entry mode, as it is cheaper and easy to expand. References Aiyar, S., Calomiris, C.W. and Wieladek, T., 2014. Does Macro?Prudential Regulation Leak? Evidence from a UK Policy Experiment. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 46(s1), pp.181-214. Bateman, I.J., Harwood, A.R., Abson, D.J., Andrews, B., Crowe, A., Dugdale, S., Fezzi, C., Foden, J., Hadley, D., Haines-Young, R. and Hulme, M., 2014. Economic analysis for the UK national ecosystem assessment: synthesis and scenario valuation of changes in ecosystem services. Environmental and Resource Economics, 57(2), pp.273-297. Buccafurri, F., Foti, V.D., Lax, G., Nocera, A. and Ursino, D., 2013. Bridge analysis in a social internetworking scenario. Information Sciences, 224, pp.1-18. Dailyjuice.com.au. (2017). About Us Daily Juice. [online] Available at: https://dailyjuice.com.au/about-us [Accessed 6 Sep. 2017]. Health and Social Care Information Centre. (2017). Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet. [online] Available at: https://content.digital.nhs.uk/catalogue/PUB20562/obes-phys-acti-diet-eng-2016-rep.pdf [Accessed 6 Sep. 2017]. Howarth, D. and Quaglia, L., 2013. Banking on stability: the political economy of new capital requirements in the European Union. Journal of European Integration, 35(3), pp.333-346. Huettl, V. and Gierl, H., 2012. Visual art in advertising: The effects of utilitarian vs. hedonic product positioning and price information. Marketing Letters, 23(3), pp.893-904. Keirstead, J., Samsatli, N., Pantaleo, A.M. and Shah, N., 2012. Evaluating biomass energy strategies for a UK eco-town with an MILP optimization model. biomass and bioenergy, 39, pp.306-316. Killing, P., 2012. Strategies for joint venture success (RLE international business) (Vol. 22). Routledge. Leitmannslehner, S. and Windsperger, J., 2012. Contractibility, Strategy, and Network Dynamics: From Franchising to Licensing. Journal ofMarketing Channels, 19(4), pp.229-249. Nhs.uk. (2017). Britain: 'the fat man of Europe' - Live Well - NHS Choices. [online] Available at: https://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/loseweight/Pages/statistics-and-causes-of-the-obesity-epidemic-in-the-UK.aspx [Accessed 6 Sep. 2017]. Ogutu, M. and Samuel, C.M., 2012. Strategies adopted by multinational corporations to cope with competition in Kenya. DBA Africa Management Review, 2(3), pp.69-82. Sweeting, A., 2013. Dynamic product positioning in differentiated product markets: The effect of fees for musical performance rights on the commercial radio industry. Econometrica, 81(5), pp.1763-1803.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Internee Report free essay sample
His guidance, advice and cooperation helped me to complete this report successfully. I would also like to express my heartiest appreciation and felicitation to all the Managers and officers of Credit and Investment Division, LankaBangla Finance Limited; Specially Mr. Rashedul Haque, Mr. Mohammad Shoaib, Mr. Md. Moniruzzaman, Mr. Abu Hasan Masud Mr. Sifat Choudhury, Mr. Parvez Alam, Mr. Md. Tareque Anower Bin Rashid, Mr. Junaid Murshid, Mr. Sabbir Islam, Mr Mustafizur Rahman, Mr. Shamsul Arefin, Mrs. Ruma for their excellent support, guidance and full cooperation extended to me during my Internship period. Last but not the least, I also acknowledge my family members and friends for their support and encouragement throughout my internship period and also while preparing this report. Executive Summary The report represents the three months working experience on the LankaBangla Finance Limited, Head Office, Safura Tower, 20, Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Dhaka.This report will present a study of the â€Å"Lease Financing Practice and Policy of LankaBangla Finance Limited†. We will write a custom essay sample on Internee Report or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The focal point of the study is to overview the whole activities of LBFL’s Lease Financing Services, to have idea about their policy regarding lease financing, to identify its strengths and weaknesses and to analyze its performance based on the available data. This report is divided into different parts. At first the background of the project, its significance, objectives and methodology along with the limitations encountered has been described.The next part carries the overview of LankaBangla Finance Limited including their Corporate Strategy and Policy, the services they provide, the functions of the â€Å"Credit and Investment Department†department, the performance analysis of LBFL’s â€Å"Lease Financing Practice†comparing to other Non bank financial institutions in Bangladesh. The report also provides some SWOT analysis on the services of LBFL. The report focuses on the over all operating policy and procedure of Lease operation of Credit and Investment Division It describes the whole lease financing cycle.
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