Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Negativity of Ignoring free essay sample
All through law 36, Greene clarifies: â€Å"Disdain things you can't have: Ignoring them is the best revenge†(300). While this might be valid, obliviousness can likewise cause pessimism in the manner in which somebody might be seen just as issues seeing someone, school, family, and youngsters. Robert Greene’s law 36: â€Å"Disdain Things You Cannot Have: Ignoring Them Is The Best Revenge†states in his judgment that by giving consideration towards a foe you fortify their validity and it is ideal to show scorn for things or individuals you have enthusiasm for (300). In spite of the fact that Greene makes an admirable statement that numbness causes one to appear to be prevalent, he neglects to make reference to how one may be seen through the demonstrations obliviousness. For instance, if an individual is utilizing numbness to dispose of somebody they don't care for, at that point the individual they don't care for may start to think about that individual as juvenile, and frail. Not making a move causes individuals to appear to be fainthearted. We will compose a custom paper test on The Negativity of Ignoring or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The manner in which this individual might be seen is as somebody that has attributes, for example, not focusing or mindful, every now and again being impolite and discourteous, or in today’s present day language a â€Å"bitch†or a â€Å"asshole. Despite the fact that individuals are here and there attracted to the way that somebody isn't demonstrating any enthusiasm for them since it makes the individual disregarding appear to be puzzling or alluring, it ought to likewise make one miracle why they would be interested about somebody that radiates a vibe that clearly shows they are not intrigued. These characteristics get antagonism and issues oneself through being oblivious. There are numerous connections that contain defects and issues. Regardless of whether it is because of absence of science or an abundance of contrasts, connections ought not be understood through overlooking their accomplice. Greene lights up disregarding the things you need most on the grounds that through demonstrating want one gets impervious to an individual that shows an excessive amount of intrigue (305). Be that as it may, truth be told, overlooking will do something contrary to improving a relationship. For example, a spouse has been working the entire day and despite the fact that she is worn out she despite everything makes supper for her better half. He at that point returns home from work and chooses to sit in front of the TV followed by eating with his better half and doesn't recognize the things she accomplishes for him. This absence of correspondence and intrigue causes strain for the spouse and powers an opening of contentions that mess up a marriage. Through the absence of correspondence in this relationship it shows that overlooking doesn't just motivation these issues and strains however it additionally disturbs the spouse and the relationship doesn't develop practically, yet rather self-destructs. Thus Greene fails to state how obliviousness can reverse discharge and bring a negative impact and more issues. In spite of the fact that there are numerous issues in school and the work place, one of the developing issues is that understudies are demonstrating an absence of enthusiasm for scholastics and in representatives there is frequently an absence of drive. In Greene’s book, The Forty Eight Laws of Power, he incorporates, â€Å"It is enticing to need to fix our errors, however the harder we attempt, the more terrible we frequently make them. It is here and there progressively politic to leave them alone†(306). This statement is being demonstrated by the understudies and representatives that have the mindset of not thinking about anything. Investing more energy is the explanation that individuals continue on in life towards their objectives and aspirations. Through buckling down, individuals gain understanding, fundamental attributes, and a superior life. In the event that individuals were to simply surrender each time they committed an error our reality would be not be the place it is today. Constancy is the answer for turning out to be prevalent not overlooking our blemishes and errors however holding onto them too. Through disregarding our mix-ups in school or work it produces cynicism and issues towards the results of one’s life. So while Greene clarifies that obliviousness is a quality he doesn't bring up how it tends to be misjudged and transform into an arrangement for disappointment. There are numerous individuals that have antagonized associations with family members. Regardless of whether it is with their folks or kin, this irritation is realized by obliviousness. Just if there is legitimate explanation behind this antagonism like they had left or they are a terrible impact is this numbness satisfactory. In different cases, for example, a kid that needs consideration or needs to be autonomous chooses to act through insubordination or a kin being youthful and disregarding for no real explanation is the thing that messes up a family. In these models, the connections among guardians and their youngsters or between kin bring about family members being driven away and not being as close as they ought to be. These issues let pessimism and issues stream all through a broken family. The answer for this issue would be the direct inverse of overlooking, yet thinking about what their relatives might be feeling and recalling that there are individuals out there that have lost or don't have groups of their own. In the book, The Forty Eight Laws of Power, Greene says, â€Å"By overlooking you counterbalance them. This agitates and goads themâ€but since they have no dealings with you, there is nothing they can do†(304). This statement is a case of what could befall a family that keeps on with numbness. One will offset their family regardless of whether it isn't their aim. The demonstration of obliviousness will drive individuals away causing issues that are superfluous. Kids frequently observe their older folks and individuals in the media that they venerate as good examples. At the point when youngsters see what their good examples are doing they additionally will in general copy their activities. In Greene’s law 36, he reliably calls attention to that overlooking causes one to appear to be unrivaled, however imagine a scenario where a kid were to see these sorts of activities occurring. A child’s discernments and point of view can change fundamentally on the off chance that the individual in question were seeing their good examples executing activities of disregarding. At the point when kids are youthful, at most occasions they attempt to resemble their good examples. So if a youngster sees their more established sister or most loved vocalist doing things that incite obliviousness they may do likewise and keep these propensities as they get more seasoned. In spite of the fact that numbness can be viewed as a quality since it can cause somebody to appear to be superior to others, it can similarly also be seen as a feeble trademark on the grounds that overlooking shows an insufficiency of information and mindfulness. Doing the propensities for disregarding can lead a child’s life into totally various bearings however almost certainly, it will bring pessimism and issues into their life. All in all, Greene’s procedure of disregarding isn't continually going to go the route as arranged. It has negative impacts and it doesn't settle anything. Disregarding can likewise raises a bigger number of issues than there as of now are. It can cause issues seeing someone through absence of correspondence, or in school and work through absence of scholastic conduct or absence of drive, or in families through alienation, and in kids through changing their points of view in a negative structure. It is significant that if obliviousness is utilized, it is utilized such that individuals profit by and are not offended or harmed by it. Despite the fact that numbness might be the best vengeance, it isn't generally the sharpest activity to execute.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Interagency disaster management Essay
Presentation: A calamity can be characterized as a genuine interruption of the working of a general public, causing across the board human, material, or ecological misfortunes which surpass the capacity of influenced society to duplicate utilizing just its own assets. Fiascos are regularly ordered by their speed of beginning (unexpected or moderate), or as per their motivation (characteristic or man-made). Ongoing debacles like Hurricane Katrina have uncovered the weakness of the country in the midst of catastrophe and this has lead to conversations on calamity the executives. Catastrophic events, for example, tropical storms, seismic tremors, tornadoes, floods, ice storms, extreme climate, and rapidly spreading fires can strike whenever. They can work over days or weeks, or strike out of nowhere abruptly. Since the beginning, individuals in different pieces of the world have endured because of the eccentrics of catastrophic events. A few calamities can be anticipated, for example, floods in valleys, dry spells in territories of low precipitation and oil slicks in delivery paths. There can likewise be artificial flighty debacles, for example, bioterrorism that includes the utilization of compound, natural and atomic weapons. Catastrophe Management: Disasters are unavoidable yet the dangerous effect of calamities can be generously diminished by sufficient readiness, early admonition, and quick, unequivocal reactions. Debacle Management envelops all parts of making arrangements for and reacting to catastrophes. It applies to the board of the two dangers and results of calamities. In any case, calamities should be announced to make sure about the arrival of government assets for intercession. Government through its different offices assumes a gigantic job in such anticipation and alleviation. This is done through enactment, through asset allotment and through objective arranging and practical turn of events. State and nearby governments are nearest to those influenced by catastrophic events, and have consistently been the lead accordingly and recuperation. The central government acts in a supporting job, giving help, calculated help, and certain provisions. Neighborhood government is liable for accommodating the wellbeing and security of residents ahead of time of a storm. That implies they are accountable for creating crisis plans, deciding clearing courses, giving open transportation to the individuals who can’t self-empty, and setting up and loading nearby safe houses with alleviation supplies. State government is liable for assembling the National Guard, pre-situating certain benefits and supplies, and setting up the state’s crisis the executives capacities. They are likewise accountable for mentioning government support however the proper debacle presentation process. Government is answerable for meeting those solicitations from the state †previously, during and after the fiasco. This incorporates offering strategic help for search and salvage, giving food, water and ice, building up debacle focuses and handling government calamity guarantees, and taking an interest in short and long haul open works ventures, for example, flotsam and jetsam evacuation and framework remaking. National Response Plan: The National Response Plan, distributed on May 25, 2006, by the DHS, gives an all-perils way to deal with improve the capacity of the country to oversee local debacles. The arrangement incorporates best practices and strategies from occurrence the executives disciplinesâ€homeland security, crisis the board, law requirement, firefighting, open works, general wellbeing, responder and recuperation laborer wellbeing and wellbeing, crisis clinical administrations, and the private segment and coordinates them into a brought together structure. It shapes the premise of how the government facilitates with state, neighborhood, and inborn governments and the private segment during occurrences. The National Response Plan means to spare lives and ensure the wellbeing and wellbeing of the general population, responders, and recuperation laborers and consequently guarantee security of the country. The National Response Plan sets up a thorough all-risks way to deal with improve the capacity of the United States to oversee local occurrences. It shapes the premise of how bureaucratic divisions and organizations will cooperate and how the government will facilitate with state, nearby, and innate governments and the private area during episodes. It sets up conventions to help shield the country from fear based oppressor assaults and other normal and artificial perils; spare lives; ensure general wellbeing, security, property, and the earth; and decreases unfavorable mental outcomes and interruptions to regular citizen life. The Plan distinguishes police, fire, general wellbeing and clinical, crisis the board, and other work force as answerable for occurrence the executives at the nearby level. The Plan empowers episode reaction to be taken care of at the least conceivable hierarchical and jurisdictional level. The Plan guarantees the consistent mix of the government when an occurrence surpasses nearby or state abilities. There are some new Coordinating Features in the National Response Plan, for example, †¢ Homeland Security Operations Center (HSOC): The HSOC fills in as the essential national level multi-organization center for residential situational mindfulness and operational coordination. The HSOC additionally incorporates DHS segments, for example, the National Infrastructure Coordinating Center (NICC), which has essential obligation regarding planning correspondences with the Nation’s basic framework during an occurrence. †¢ National Response Coordination Center (NRCC): The NRCC, an utilitarian segment of the HSOC, is a multi-office focus that gives generally speaking government reaction coordination. †¢ Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC): At the territorial level, the RRCC arranges provincial reaction endeavors and actualizes neighborhood government program support until a Joint Field Office is set up. †¢ Interagency Incident Management Group (IIMG): A custom fitted gathering of senior government interagency specialists who give vital guidance to the Secretary of Homeland Security during a real or potential Incident of National Significance. †¢ Joint Field Office (JFO): A brief government office set up locally to give a main issue to facilitate assets on the side of state, neighborhood, and ancestral specialists. †¢ Principal Federal Official (PFO): A PFO might be assigned by the Secretary of Homeland Security during a potential or genuine Incident of National Significance. While singular government authorities hold their specialists relating to explicit parts of episode the board, the PFO works related to these authorities to facilitate in general administrative occurrence the executives endeavors. The Department of Homeland Security/Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R)/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in close coordination with the DHS Office of the Secretary, will keep up the National Response Plan. The Plan will be refreshed to fuse new Presidential orders, administrative changes, and procedural changes dependent on exercises gained from practices and real occasions. The Department of Homeland Security: in case of a psychological oppressor assault, catastrophic event or other huge scope crisis, the Department of Homeland Security will accept essential accountability on March first for guaranteeing that crisis reaction experts are set up for any circumstance. The office is answerable for giving an organized, far reaching government reaction to any huge scope emergency and mounting a quick and successful recuperation exertion. As indicated by the Homeland Security Act of 2002 the strategic the Department of Homeland security is to forestall fear based oppressor assaults inside the United States; lessen the weakness of the United States to psychological warfare; and limit the harm, and aid the recuperation, from psychological oppressor assaults that do happen inside the United States. Biohazards: Biohazards are natural specialists or substances that present or may introduce a danger to the wellbeing or prosperity of the laborer or the network. Organic specialists and substances incorporate irresistible and parasitic operators, noninfectious microorganisms, for example, a few growths, yeast, green growth, plants and plant items, and creatures and creature items that cause word related ailment. By and large, biohazards are either irresistible microorganisms, poisonous organic substances, natural allergens or any mix of the abovementioned. Today, biohazards ar additionally utilized as weapons of mass demolition in the hands of psychological oppressors †the utilization of Bacillus anthracis infection to spread ailment, passing, dread and frenzy among people in general is an a valid example. In that capacity, biohazards not just go under the domain of the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) yet in addition under Department of Homeland Security.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Coping With Hypochondriasis or a Fear of Illness
Coping With Hypochondriasis or a Fear of Illness Phobias Types Print Hypochondriasis: A Fear of Illness Symptoms, Dangers, and Treatment By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD on November 26, 2019 twitter linkedin Daniel B. Block, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist who operates a private practice in Pennsylvania. Learn about our Medical Review Board Daniel B. Block, MD Updated on January 19, 2020 svetikd / E+ / Getty Images More in Phobias Types Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Hypochondriasis,?? or hypochondria, is not technically classified as a phobia. In the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th Edition (DSM-5),?? the term has been eliminated. Instead, most individuals who would have previously been diagnosed with hypochondriasis will now receive a diagnosis of somatic symptom disorder or illness anxiety disorder. However, there are some who feel that hypochondriasis should be reclassified as a phobia since it represents a specific fear.?? Hypochondriasis vs. Nosophobia Both hypochondriasis and nosophobia are fears of illness.?? The difference is in the exact nature of the fear. Nosophobia is the fear of developing a specific disease such as cancer or diabetes. Hypochondriasis is the fear that existing physical symptoms may be the result of an undiagnosed disease. Symptoms If you suffer from hypochondriasis,?? you are likely to be extremely aware of minor bodily symptoms such as headaches, joint pain or sweating. You may be convinced that these symptoms are caused by a serious medical disease, and become nervous and obsessed with frequently checking your condition. Some people with hypochondriasis react with a need for constant reassurance. They may visit the doctor regularly despite tests showing that everything is normal. They may also frequently complain of their symptoms to friends and family members.?? Others who suffer from hypochondriasis react in the opposite extreme. They may avoid visiting the doctor for fear of learning bad news. They may be reluctant to share their fears with loved ones, either because they are afraid of having their fears confirmed or because they believe that they will not be taken seriously.?? Dangers It is easy for hypochondriasis to become a self-replicating cycle.?? Many of the physical symptoms of illness can also be caused by stress. Joint and muscle pain, sweating, nausea and skin conditions are a few of the more common physical symptoms that hypochondriasis suffers worry about. That worry can, in turn, cause these symptoms to worsen and new symptoms to develop. As mentioned above, hypochondriasis may also lead sufferers to avoid seeking medical treatment altogether, thus jeopardizing their health. Concurrent Disorders Although researchers are not yet certain what causes hypochondriasis, there is frequently overlap with anxiety disorders.?? People who have hypochondriasis may also suffer from specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, and/or panic disorder with agoraphobia, among other conditions. Treatment Traditionally, hypochondriasis has been thought to be untreatable. However, research?? has shown that some treatments can be effective. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has become a popular option for treating hypochondriasis. This type of therapy helps sufferers learn to manage the anxiety that they feel towards their physical symptoms. In turn, this can help the symptoms themselves diminish. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)?? are a type of medication that can help to treat hypochondriasis. These drugs are generally known as antidepressants and work by affecting the levels of serotonin in the brain. Examples include Zoloft (sertraline), Paxil (paroxetine) and Prozac (fluoxetine). Getting Help If you constantly worry about physical symptoms, it is important that you seek treatment. It is generally best to visit your family doctor first in order to rule out any possible medical cause for your symptoms. If your doctor does not find an illness, then the next step is to seek help from a mental health professional. Untreated hypochondriasis can eventually cause you to limit your life activities due to your fears. With treatment, however, you can get your symptoms under control and move on with your daily life.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Police Brutality Is Becoming A Trend - 1167 Words
Police brutality is becoming a trend in America. Tensions among the public and especially the African American community are rising due to the latest cases of police brutality. Many people believe that we have come far in this society but to be honest Racism is still a factor. The use of brutal and lethal force by some police officers leading to unnecessary deaths have African American parents on edge to send their children outside for anything. Law enforcement and people whom we trust with our lives are the very same to take it. Some people may want to argue that these cases such as the shooting of Michael brown and choking of Eric Garner are isolated incidents. Others would argue that the work of a police officer is too difficult and that sometimes an officer needs to use such force in order to enforce the law and protect him/herself while on duty. Law enforcement proclaims to feel threatened however what about the civilians who feel threatened of becoming the next target or vict im of prey. The society is well aware that not all police commit these crimes and that we do still have law abiding officers. However, with the effort from everyone we can eradicate the bad apples and create a safer road for the officers and civilians. African Americans are more likely to become victims of racial profiling than our Caucasian counterparts. â€Å"Racial profiling†refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicionShow MoreRelatedHip Hop : A Cultural And Artistic Phenomenon868 Words  | 4 Pagesspeaking to them in a language and manner they understand. Defining the Hip Hop trend is not an easy task, trends are in essence very complex mechanisms that mirror changes in the economic and political landscapes. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Effective Communication Across Cultures Relating Business...
Introduction Establishing and maintaining good relations with others and particularly the customers and potential customers is very important in becoming a successful business person in whichever sector one is engaged in; be it technology or finance. However, due to global cultural differences, companies may face several challenges when aiming to expand and become more competent in the market. Therefore, one should seek diverse cultural knowledge from a certain environment before engaging ones business in that specific area. The focus of this study will be on how to relate business with a member from the Indian community. To achieve maximum results in communication, one has to focus first on the background of Indians as far as business is concerned. For starters, we learn that Indians have a diverse culture with 16 different official languages. One would find it extremely exhausting to have to learn all the 16 languages in order to convey clear and concise messages; however, Indians have had to embrace the English language. The opportunity for expansion of companies is quite promising in the Indian market. Indians still hold to the caste system thus makes sure that a hierarchy is maintained within the structure of business. Since most companies are family businesses, one individual from the family who has a strong will is chosen to head and is the one who is entitled to pass down instructions in an authoritarian manner. The instructions are to be followed to the letterShow MoreRelatedHrm Practices at Inf osys14494 Words  | 58 Pagescountry in many HR surveys in the recent years. The company is well known for its employee friendly HR practices. Though Infosys has grown to become a US $ 2 billion company by the year 2006, it has still retained the culture of a small company. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Definition Essay on Redneck Free Essays
Redneck You might be a redneck if you have ever mowed the lawn and found a car. We have all heard this famous phrase, along with many more, from the comedian Jeff Foxworthy. But what does being a redneck really mean? Many southern people have been stereotyped as rednecks because of their accents, slang and lack of formal communication ability. We will write a custom essay sample on Definition Essay on Redneck or any similar topic only for you Order Now But it takes more than just the way a person talks to make them a redneck, like attitude and appearance. The term â€Å"redneck†began being widely used after the hippie era when men started cutting there long hair short enough to burn their necks. A white member of the southern rural laboring class is how a knowledgeable person has officially defined â€Å"redneck†. Yes, they are from rural areas and are from a working class of people, though it does take more than language and accent to classify someone as a redneck. A redneck will wear shorts and boots for the comfort not because it is a fashion statement. It’s someone that would rather go mudding or four wheeling on a weekend, rather than going for a dinner and a movie. Thoughts of getting dirty doesn’t send them running for the nearest bathroom where they can clean themselves up. Rednecks are not afraid of backbreaking manual labor, but after work they are going to blow off steam all night. They will generally get an hour or two’s worth of sleep before returning to work to sweat out the alcohol from the night before. Rednecks are very proud to be Americans, they generally chew tobacco, and hunting and fishing is a big part of who they are. Rednecks are generally big fans of football and could tell you every driver in a Nascar race. Gucci, Macy’s, and malls, are not places that you will see a redneck shopping. Just go to your local Wal-Mart and you will surely see many there doing there one stop shopping. Where else can you buy hunting supplies, guns and ammo, fishing gear, food, clothing, and electronics all in one store? Picture this, a full moon high in the sky, with more stars shining than a person could count in a month. A vibrantly green field outlined with trees, with a creek running across the back. A dirt road along the outside edge of he field leading to the back corner where there are four wheel drive trucks backed up to a red glowing bonfire that was built with what was found along the creek bank. The trucks look as if they have been dipped like an ice cream cone, but only in mud. Coolers filled with beer are closely positioned around the people that are sitting on the tailgates and standing around the fire. ‘Something Bout a Truck,’ blasting from a stereo that cost more than the truck cost before the big mud tires were put on. Without a worry or a care in the world this party will continue until the wee hours of the morning. This is a true example of what a redneck is. A simple, every day, hard working person who could care less what this week’s fashion statement is. They are who they are, and if you don’t like it, they don’t care. They are a laid back partying group that are just out to blow off steam and have some fun. Many people say that being called a redneck is a bad thing, but rednecks are proud of who they and for them it an honor. How to cite Definition Essay on Redneck, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Driver Behavior and Environmental Performance †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Driver Behavior and Environmental Performance. Answer: Introduction: The company that is being considered as per the requirements of the report is a transportation company situated in Singapore. The transportation industry of Singapore is facing an issue based on the availability of the services that the companies aim at providing. The concerned company, Comfort transportation, aims at rendering the required services to its clients. However, the company is facing interruptions in the services that are being provided by the organization due to the involvement of the private cars in the sector. The owners of the private cars are taking over the market of the concerned company through their uninterrupted services (Phillips Phillips, 2016). The technological advancements made by the sector have helped in undertaking a proficient networking based on the specific requirements of the clients. Failing to adhere to the technological advancements made by the sector, the employees are losing the clients, which are resulting to a loss of resource for the organiz ation. The employees, due to their limited technological knowledge, are not undertaking the proper usage of the portal and the user interface (Young, Birrell Stanton, 2012). It is resulting to the loss of clients, which affects the market of the organization. The loss of the market has affected the situation of the company largely. It has affected the availability of the organizational resources in the market. The organization must undertake proper training sessions in order to ensure the proficiency of the employees to adopt themselves to the technological advancements and thereby understand their respective job roles (McCarthy Milner, 2013). The most important steps that must be enumerated by the organization in order to retain the rate of the clients are to train the employees on the orientation and the development of the linguistic skills. It helps in the better understanding of the elements that is required by the organization to bring about the change in the organizational structure and the market. The training sessions will help the employees of the organization to cope up with the technological and the other aspects, which they might face while performing their respective job roles. Learning outcomes and the importance of the training The training session that the organization aims at undertaking will help the employees in understanding the usage of the various technologies that are being included in their respective job roles. The proper usage of the resources will help in the retention of the clients. The most important consideration undertaken by the organization relating to the training is based in the requirements of the change that the organization is required to undertake (Khisty Lall, 2017). It helps in improving the situation of the organization in the market. The training is aimed at yielding the following outcomes that is being enumerated in this section of the analysis. The training will help the employees in improving their linguistics and thereby enhance their understanding of the different languages used by the clients The training will also enhance the technological understanding of the employees, which will help them in understanding the varied requirements of the clients The training will induce the proper professional behavior in the employees which will help in undertaking the improvements in the organizational structure The training is an important aspect as it includes the various schemes of improvements that the organization might undertake considering the required changes. The methods that are being undertaken by the organization based on the requirements of the organization to bring about the change in the structure of the organization. It helps in the better understanding of the goals and their respective implementation. The training that is being undertaken by the organization aims at improving the situation of the organization in the respective sections. The following steps that the organization might take during the training session are being enumerated in this section of the analysis. The linguistic training The linguistic training that the organization aims at providing will help the employees in understanding the basics of certain languages. It will help them in understanding the requirements of the foreign clients. The different languages that are being used in this sector is based on the nationality of the clients and their respective cultures (Esser et al., 2013). The company, through this training will help the employees in understanding the basics of the different languages used by the clients, which results to client satisfaction from the services. The training on the technology will help the employees in understanding the usage of the portal and the user interface. It will help in retaining the clients. The over loaded segments of the interface might be managed through the proper allocation of the clients to the different user portals. Therefore, the organization takes steps in order to guide the employees, most specifically the drivers in order to bring about the change in the situation of the organization. Proper training must be provided by the organization in order to ensure the safety of the clients who are taking a ride in their vehicles (Chang Hung, 2013). The most important step that is being undertaken by the organization is based on the retention of the clients. Therefore, the organization must make the employees aware of the safety practices that must be undertaken by the people in order to ensure the safety and security of the passengers and the foreign guests. This will help in enhancing the brand loyalty of the organization. Effective communication is an important step that must be undertaken by the organization in the training session in order to make the people aware of the benefits of undertaking effective communications. This also helps in integrating the internal and the external departments of the organization (Asawasakulsorn, 2015). The integration of the departments will result to the improvements that are being planned by the organization. on the other end, training on effective communication will also help the employees in sharing the discrepancies that they are facing in performing their job roles. It will help the organization in bringing in modifications. The training on the usability and the accessibility of the proper channels of communication helps the organization in undertaking proper communication with its staff members (Cummings Worley, 2014). Individual mentoring that is being undertaken by the organization will help in empowering the individuals. It will help the organization in resolving the issues faced by the individuals in performing their job role (Rolim et al., 2012). The most important step that the organization might undertake in this session is to clarify the doubts of the people and thereby ensure the safe and efficient functioning of their respective job roles. The assessment that is being undertaken by the organization in order to understand the efficiency of the training session is based on the requirements of the organization to bring in the change. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the training session and thereby assess the change that is being undertaken, the organization might maintain a record of the situation before and after the training (Tolley Turton, 2014). The differentiation of the activities and the situations before the training and after the training will yield the results of the effectiveness of the training. Required resources In order to undertake the training the organization will be requiring a set of resources. The resources will help the organization in undertaking the training program with ease. The required resources are being enumerated in this section of the report. The training materials refer to the readings and the lessons that the training seeks to achieve. The content of the training materials and the serially arranged form helps in the proper undertaking of a training session. The materials therefore are required to be developed in accordance to the needs of the training session that the organization aims at providing. Audio-visual presentations must be developed in order to enhance the understanding of the delegates attending the training session. It helps in the effective undertaking of the training by the organization. References Asawasakulsorn, A. (2015). Transportation Collaboration: Partner Selection Criteria and Interorganizational System Design Issues for Supporting Trust.International Journal of Business and Information,4(2). Chang, L. Y., Hung, S. C. (2013). Adoption and loyalty toward low cost carriers: The case of TaipeiSingapore passengers.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,50, 29-36. Cummings, T. G., Worley, C. G. (2014).Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Esser, K., Hillebrand, W., Messner, D., Meyer-Stamer, J. (2013).Systemic competitiveness: new governance patterns for industrial development. Routledge. Khisty, C. J., Lall, B. K. (2017).Transportation engineering. Pearson Education India. McCarthy, G., Milner, J. (2013). Managerial coaching: challenges, opportunities and training.Journal of Management Development,32(7), 768-779. Phillips, J. J., Phillips, P. P. (2016).Handbook of training evaluation and measurement methods. Routledge. Rolim, C. C., Gonalves, G. N., Farias, T. L., Rodrigues, . (2012). Impacts of electric vehicle adoption on driver behavior and environmental performance.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,54, 706-715. Tolley, R., Turton, B. J. (2014).Transport systems, policy and planning: a geographical approach. Routledge. Young, M. S., Birrell, S. A., Stanton, N. A. (2012). Safe driving in a green world: A review of driver performance benchmarks and technologies to support smartdriving.Applied ergonomics,42(4), 533-539.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Impacts of Energy Consumption free essay sample
Coming home from a long day at school, I tell myself, â€Å"Damn, I’m tired! †On top of that, it’s blazing hot outside, so I set my thermostat to the lowest possible temperature so that my apartment can cool down quickly. After I adjust the temperature, I go to the bathroom and then leave the lights on from laziness. Finally, I turn on the television to watch something until I fall fast asleep. The end of the month comes along and I walk to my mailbox to check for any bills and next thing you know I have a staggering bill from Georgia Power! It’s nothing that I should be surprised about because I have ridiculous habits when it comes to leaving things on and setting my thermostat. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person with an energy-consuming problem. I know that millions of people do the same things I do. We will write a custom essay sample on Impacts of Energy Consumption or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Reducing my energy consumption is a challenge that I want to take on to better myself and the environment, which is a change for the good that i have great interest in. I looked at my energy bill for the past month and I did some calculations money wise. When looked over some energy facts on the Energy Star site, it made me realize something. According to Energy Star, the government agency that helps us all save money on energy and protect the environment at the same time, the air conditioning unit consists of approximately 50% of your monthly electric bill (â€Å"Save Energy at Home†). Last month, my bill came up to $70. 71, which is high for me because I don’t really run anything in my apartment but T. V, lights, internet, and my laptop. I barely use my stove or microwave because I’m one of those college students who eats out all the time because I can’t cook. Half of $70 is $35. On top of that, the unit can possibly use more than fifty percent if you don’t maintain it properly. Sealing and insulating ducts can improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling system by as much as 20 percent and sometimes much more (â€Å"Save Energy at Home†). That being said, it would use less energy and cost less. Energy Star also says that leaving things plugged in even when they are not using it, can consume energy. It does indeed show a difference if you practice leaving things that you don’t use unplugged (â€Å"Save Energy at Home†). It saved me around 50 kWh which doesn’t seem like much but it’s something. Next, since an HVAC unit can possibly take over your energy costs, we should all know how to reduce our consumption when it comes to the HVAC unit itself. Installing a programmable thermostat can help your HVAC system become more energy efficient (â€Å"Energy Saving Tips†). I was reading a article from the ConsumerMan section of MSNBC and came across an article stating that installing a programmable thermostat can cut your energy costs by 20% (Weisbaum). These systems that we cherish so much can also be sources of emission into the environment we inhabit. It is said that HVAC systems can be contaminant emission sources (Batterman). Have you ever left some food laying around and come to realize that it starting growing mold? The EPA conducted a few studies that shown that the HVAC systems are the causes of biological growth, and moisture of which molds use to multiply and grow (Batterman). Therefore, it would probably be a good idea to use programmable thermostats to lower costs and emissions into the indoor environment. These thermostats can minimize the emissions when we are not at home or sleep. Aside from the costs of using the infamous HVAC units that we all cherish so much, the environmental changes is something that goes on unnoticed to people including myself. I think that it’s something that we should consider because of a number of reasons. Energy generation impacts our environment in a way that we don’t see. Most of the energy that we use is produced by power plants that use non-renewable resources such as natural gas, oil, and coil, all of which are considered as fossil fuels. â€Å"Fossil Fuels†) Fossil Fuels account for 83% of the Unites States energy consumption (â€Å"Fossil Fuels†). All of these fuels can release harmful things like carbon dioxide, which is a dangerous greenhouse gas (â€Å"Fossil Fuels†). Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere by agricultural practices and by the burning of fossil fuels (Michaels 5). According to many people and scientists, they believe that this is what may be causing global warming. Another energy generating method is Nuclear power plants. This, in my opinion, is the most harmful way to produce energy. When nuclear plants are producing energy, they are rapidly changing the temperature, which also increases evaporation. This then increases rainfall, which can affect agriculture with a lack of good soil (â€Å"Fossil Fuels†). The environmental concern of nuclear energy production comes from the disposal of nuclear waste. Spillage and leakage of nuclear radiation into the environment can cause people to develop cancer if they inhale these gases (â€Å"Fossil Fuels†). That being said, I feel as if when I use too much energy at home and in other places, I cause the releases of these harmful gases my elf. Environmental Impact of Power Generation explains that 39% percent of the energy generated today is used to make more energy (Hester 15). So this book argues that consumption is, in fact, an important factor of a consumer’s environmental footprint. All forms of electric generation can have some type of environmental impact in the world (Hester 17). For example, hydr oelectric power plants may not have any impact on the air, but to construct these dams can significantly affect our natural river systems as well as the wildlife that inhabits these rivers (Wittwers 25). What about coal? When coal is used to generate power, things like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere (Rowland 35). The Environmental Protection Agency requires that the burners of these particular plants have control devices aimed at reducing the amount of emissions that are released. I looked up carbon dioxide in the dictionary just to have an idea of why exactly is it related to global warming. It is said that it is a greenhouse gas that affects the earth’s radiated balance, which also means that it is directly related to global warming. Another way to think about the greenhouse effect is to consider that according to physics the radiation we receive from the Sun must be equally balanced by the heat Earth radiates out to space. If we were to give back less energy than we receive, our planet would soon be too hot for life. †(â€Å"The Greenhouse Effect†) According to the research that I conducted, it is like a chain reaction. We use too much energy at home, the power plants produce more energy for our high demands, and next thing you know we humans are causing global warming. For the past couple of months, I have been getting significantly high electricity bills and I wanted to know exactly what it is that i have been doing to get such high bills when the only things i constantly run in my two bedroom apartment is: one television, a wireless router, a MacBook, and of-course, my HVAC unit. I learned that the problems are exactly what I just said, â€Å"I constantly run. †Not only that, according to online source, your HVAC unit consumes the most electricity in any household that contains one. I decided to do a project to see what I can do to help lower my energy costs as well as have a lesser impact on the environment. I looked over my Georgia Power bill and I apparently consumed 532 kWh costing me $70. 71, and 640 kWh the month before costing me a whopping $82. 69. That’s a lot for one person with only a TV and a computer running. So my goal was to lower those numbers as much as i can by the next billing cycle. Throughout all the research that was conducted, I decided to do exactly what my sources suggested. I set my thermostat to 77 degrees and left it there. I unplugged all of my electrical devices that were not in use and only plugged them in when I was ready to use them. The next billing cycle was up and I got my bill. For the cycle of March- April, I consumed a nice minimum of 364 kWh costing me only a small $52. 55 for that billing cycle. I was excited because my research project had turned out to be a success. Since the last bill, I saved 168 kWh. That was almost gave me $20 dollars in savings. In conclusion, I honestly feel guilty. Before all of this, I left my light on when I wasn’t using them, left my television on when I wasn’t watching it, and I even leave my office active when I wasn’t in my office. When I say active, I mean my printer stays on at all times as well my desktop and monitor. I just never turn off my computer. It almost seems as if I’m harming the environment with my bad habits especially because I have a habit of leaving on my air conditioning because I either like my apartment freezing cold or blazing hot, depending on the weather and how I feel. The sources that I have introduced have plenty of reasons why people should strive to reduce our energy consumption so we can less impact the environment, ozone layer, and our utility bills.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
3 Ways to Expedite Your Editing Process - Freewrite Store
3 Ways to Expedite Your Editing Process - Freewrite Store Some writers love editing. Others†¦ not so much. Either way, editing is an essential part of the writing process. And, like writing, it’s time-intensive. Fortunately, editing doesn’t have to take forever. If you want to refine your writing without spending endless hours on it, consider these three tips.1. Start with an OutlineIt’s hard to get anywhere without a map (or maybe a navigation app is more appropriate for 2018). Likewise, it’s hard to write without a destination in mind. To predetermine that destination, consider outlining.Your outline can be as simple or complex as you’d like. If you’re writing a standalone blog post, your outline might be bullet points. If you’re writing a novel, your outline might be several pages. Either way, spending time creating an outline in advance can save you major time in the editing process. If you’re wondering why, let’s refer back to our map metaphor.If we travel without a navigation app, we’re likely to get lost along the way. That means wasted time backtracking, rerouting, and making U-turns. The same goes for writing. An outline shows us where we’re going so we don’t get lost along the way. Without one, we might very well get to the editing process and realize that we went way off course. Then we’d need to spend extra editing time getting everything back on track. That’s no way to expedite our editing.You can read more about the importance of outlining in this post, Outlining for Writers Who Hate to Outline.2. Use Editing SoftwareThe robots haven’t taken over yet- but that doesn’t mean they aren’t super smart. In fact, there are many programs out there that can help edit your writing.Take ProWritingAid, for example. It works like your grammar checker but goes way beyond just grammar errors. It detects a huge range of writing issues that make your writing awkward or unclear, like passive voice, sticky sentences, repetitive phrasing, and inaccurate word choices. And it does all this at lightning speed.Try uploading a piece of your writing to the online tool an d run a summary report. It’s free to use and you’ll see the key changes that will most improve your writing. Or, to save even more time, you can use integrations for Microsoft Word/Office, Google Chrome, Google Docs, Scrivener, and more. It’s an easy way to edit faster (and more efficiently). Related: 10 Grammer Rules to Always Follow 3. Take a Break Between Writing and EditingI know. This sounds contradictory. Why would I recommend taking additional time for an article about saving time?Because it really works. You need not take a long break between writing and editing. It could be a day. It could be an hour. Whatever you choose, taking time between writing and editing will accelerate the entire process.There are a few reasons for this. First, the downtime allows your brain to switch gears. Though they are similar, writing and editing require different skills. Writing is about seeing what isn’t there; editing is about refining established ideas. It’s difficult to transition from one to the other. Taking a break after writing resets our brains for editing. And when we do that, editing goes faster.Furthermore, breaking before editing gives your unconscious mind time to reflect on what you’ve written. Here’s a non-writing example: Think back to the last time you lost your car keys. (I did it 20 minutes ago.) You probably found that you looked everywhere and couldn’t find them. Then maybe you stepped away for a while. When you returned, you might’ve suddenly remembered where you left your keys.No, the keys didn’t telepathically notify you of their location (though that would be pretty cool). That was the work of your unconscious mind. It works the same way for writing and editing. Your unconscious mind finds solutions to problems, even when you don’t know it.Alright, I’ve taken enough of your time. Go edit!  About the author: Kyle A. Massa is a speculative fiction author living in upstate New York with his wife and their two cats. He loves the present tense and multiple POV characters. When he grows up, he wants to be a professional Magic: The Gathering player. For more of his work, visit www.kyleamassa.com.
Monday, February 17, 2020
The House of Tata Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The House of Tata - Assignment Example This strategy is positive in that the new products that are introduced in the market will receive applause since the brand is already known. However, in some instances, the new products that are introduced in the market are not pleasing since the brand of other products is not performingwell. b) Building of equity interlocks among the Tata companies Building interlocks of equities creates a scenario where the companies are working in unison. The companies are better placed as they have a lot of activities in common. For instance, the group of companies will have substantial equities that will make a greater investment. This is like pooling resources together in the group of companies. Therefore, the group of companies will be able to invest in other activities that need a huge investment (Khanna, Krishna and Wu Melito, 2). However, companies that are not indulged in interlocking equities are not well prepared to invest in activities that need a large sum of accounts. Similarly, inter locking equities brings ahighrate of interest. For instance, the interest rate that is accrued on lump sum equity is much more than the interest that is accrued on minute equity. Therefore, this was a prudent activity to the companies as it would increase the company’s gains in the long run. ... Therefore, in this case selling part of Tata company was againstthecompany’s need for expansion. This limited its market segments and would lead to diminished performance of the company. Similarly, selling part of the company was a step that reduced the operating capital of the company. Therefore,most of its activities in the market were reduced. d) Revitalisation of Tata administration The administration of a company is considered a vital aspect that will dictate its performance. A company that has utterly trained and experienced administration is likely to give positive results at the end of each financial year. However, any company thatdoes not have an experienced and dedicated administration is not likely to make a positive accrual in the business. In this case, Tata was vigilant in ensuring the administration was functioning to its advantage. The change in administration meant that the company was prepared to make an improvement in its activities. Similarly, this would re cord an improvement in the financial management, economic development and all other activities that are vital in the company. Similarly,there is positivity in that revitalisation of the administration improved on the specialisation in the company. The people that are well trained in particular places will be given an opportunityto serve the company to their best. As such,they will increase the performance of the business to greater heights as they will have an enhanced position. This is a prudent aspect that would improve the performance of the company and give the company an added advantage. 2. Corporate portfolio in 1995 The corporate portfolio that was done in 1995 was a vital activity to the company (Khanna, Krishna and Wu Melito, 4). This
Monday, February 3, 2020
PersuasiveControvserial paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
PersuasiveControvserial paper - Essay Example Thesis Abortion is not an immoral act but the only possible way for many women to avoid undesired pregnancy and protect their future. Within the pro-choice movement, arguments come from the field of legal philosophy, specifically natural law, claiming that the right-to-life is a fundamental human right which should be protected by law. Again, from the legal perspective, pro-choice encompasses those advocating a right of every woman to control her life. This lobby advocates for female's right to choose abortion. Moderates believes that abortion should be a last resort and justified in case the pregnant woman cannot raise the child or give it up for adoption, or "if the pregnancy risks pose a danger for the life and health of the woman" (Hull et al 98). It also has to do with partisan affiliation: many Democrats are radical pro-choice, while the Republicans are mostly pro-choice moderates. The problem is that it is impossible to accept the law and develop a single ethical rule suitable for all the cases. Every specific case should be discussed separately in accordance with the circumstances and patients' health cond itions. Most Americans suppose that it is unethical to use people as a mean but its more unethical to deprive other babies of a chance to survive because of speculative ethical arguments created by a group of people. The vivid example of ethical dimensions of abortion is Roe v. Wade which became a landmark event in the history of abortion in America. The woman claimed that she had become pregnant by rape and therefore was seeking an abortion. Norma and her defendant though that abortion ban violated the right of women under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. Norma McCorvey had already given birth by the time the case was brought before the Court in December 1971. (Hull et al 93). Claiming that abortion is immoral and comparing it to killing, pro-life advocates forget about such problems poverty and hunger, lack of money and cloths. It is easy to state that 'fetus is a human'. It is possible to say that most of these people do not know hardship and poverty speaking about the God and high moral values. For many women, abortion becomes the only possible way to protect their families from poverty and hardship. For instance, some African-American and Latino families have 7 or more children, and one more children will be a real burden for them. So, banning abortions without any exceptions is a cruel and unjustifiable practice Abortion is also very bad for the morality of society as a whole. Abortion is an easy way out, so it encourages promiscuity and unprotected sex. The very notion of abortion is immoral because it ruins the whole concept of responsible parenthood. The society has the duty to protect the life of its citizens. "The right to life has been the found ation of the civilized society" (Wetstein 54). Still, there is no consensus among the scholars, politicians and members of general public as to what attitude to abortion is justified. Nor is there a consensus in the world community, since the practice of different states in this sphere varies a lot. "Whilst abortion has been accepted by the American state since the land-mark Roe vs. Wade case in the early 1970s, this is by no means a reflection of universal agreement - either international or within
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The limitations of economists’ idea of a perfect capital market
The limitations of economists’ idea of a perfect capital market Introduction This brief study assesses the limitations of economists idea of a perfect capital market as a basis for theorising modern global capital markets. Todays global capital markets have undergone a global tectonic transformation from the erstwhile discrete and largely controlled capital markets. This transformation has led economists to propound various theories to explain the aggressive and changing global economic landscape. However, economists globally still struggle with the continuously evolving environment across trade boundaries and capital market regimes. It is unfortunate that, like most other branches of economics, contemporary developments of knowledge and technology have not trickled back to further develop the fundamental models that most economists deploy to manage their thinking in respect of the global economy (Blecker, 2001, p 1-3). Economic analysis today has been reduced to forecasting. Forecasting has now become the staple work of professional economists. It is impracticable to forecast econometrically in relation to a situation wherein new institutions will function, on the basis of factors forecasted under old institutions. The economic and political outcomes of new institutions need to be assessed as institutions, and not just as variables (Toporowski, 2003, p4-8). This essay critiques the inadequacies of economists view of a perfect capital market. The study also assesses the same being a constraint for hypothesising contemporary global capital markets. Analysis Background There is a distinct relationship between political economy and finance. Arguably, in an era of finance, political economy is liable to be marginalised due to the evident financial sector dynamism that guides economic development during such an era (Toporowski, 2003, p1). Political economy here is used in the conventional sense of the debate of the function of the state in the economy as well as the economic institutions, as also their impact on the key functions of production and distribution (Toporowski, 2003, p1). The above opinion can be demonstrated considering that the classical political economy, (contending in favour of a laissez-faire state), was pushed to the limits of serious economic discussion during the latter half of the nineteenth century. This is because the increased international finance in the gold standard generated a sense of laissez-faire dynamism (Toporowski, 2003, p1). The collapse of that financial boom culminated in the restoration of political economy of the Keynesian revolution. The financial inflation of the concluding decades of the twentieth century subsequently marginalised political economy again. Consequently, economists are looking forward to the restoration of political economy being ushered in primarily due to the deflation of financial systems throughout the advanced capitalist economies (Toporowski, 2003, p1). The latter part of the twentieth century was acknowledged as witnessing the rise of finance. This broke the fragile Keynesian consensus for active state intercession to steady capitalist market economies. So long as the consensus was maintained, political economy was upheld by the apparent debate regarding the limits of state intervention (Toporowski, 2003, p4-8). From the 1970s onwards, the financial markets saw the revival of activity. This activity along with the ensuing inflation of those markets resulted in the scope for political economy being reduced. Complacent certainties relating to the first neo-classical upheaval returned. The economy functions naturally in equilibrium. It is agitated only by imprudent monetary policies or wage rigidities. Also, keen re-financing is equal to comprehensive economic enterprise. This enterprise then, on the back of vigorous financial markets, requires no state support or overt social direction (Toporowski, 2003, p4-8). This becomes obviously true since financial markets are so vigorous. The monetarist counter-revolution, on attaining consensus during the 1980s, ousted political economy. The new political economy during that time was founded by writers like James Buchanan. It offered a natural political economy of social and individual choice, from which the real economic and state institutions were detached, or reduced to merely choice-making mechanisms (Toporowski, 2003, p4-8). Yet, political economy retained its vitality in newly industrialised and developing countries, where the economic volatility accompanying financial inflation has been most obvious. In fact, the re-emergence of such economic volatility within the more financially advanced economies is now laying the foundations for revitalisation of the political economy (Toporowski, 2003, p4-8). Toporowski (2000, p1) in his book The End of Finance, propounds the theory of an era of finance as a period of history in which finance prospers with such brilliance that it takes over from the industrial entrepreneur the leading role in capitalist development. In such an era, Finance becomes the most important political constituency, and is held to be a proper guide to the conduct of business, social and economic policy, and even our personal lives (Toporowski 2003, p4-8). Moreover, financial volatility causes the finanzangst that troubles the ever-increasing population influenced by advancements in the financial markets. That then turns, as argued by Toporowski (2002), into a cause for the concern of the economics profession with predicting economic variables (Toporowski 2003, p4-8). Historical perspective of Global Capital Markets The significance that Bryer (2000a, 2000b, 2004) attaches to Marxs idea of total social capital has deep implications. Many such implications are yet to be explored. Bryer (1994, 1999, 2004) contends that Marx regarded capital as a social disciplining power working on workers, capitalists and managers. Scholars of contemporary business and society employ the term globalisation for a wide description of business trends (Owen, 2005). Bryers work, argues Owen (2005), lays the groundwork for inferring Marxs idea of capital as an expectation of global capital markets. Building on this argument a little further, it may be argued that the schemes of contemporary capital markets can be comprehended as the recognition of Marxs vision. Evidence of this can be found in the close association among stock markets worldwide as also among exchange rates and interest rates within different countries. This implies that capital can be considered to be a solitary fund of money which is indistinguishable by industry or country or legal form search for a return on capital (Owen, 2005). The true test lies in the degree to which global capital markets have realised the potential that Marx predicted. If Marx is understood as expecting global capital markets the real test is the degree to which contemporary capital markets demonstrate the disposition of total social capital (Owen, 2005). Good economic theory A well-defined and enduring economic policy has characteristics that: (1) are based on concepts which are operational and well defined (2) explain behaviour in a lucid manner (3) are general and simple (4) are valuable for scholars and managers (5) are logically coherent and also (6) fit the facts (Owen, 2010). Economic theory is also commonly criticised. The universal criticism is largely directed on the basis that it is based on intangible concepts that can not be operationalised (i.e. where values cannot be ascribed), that it is contradicted by facts, that it has no relevance to contemporary business and also that it lacks internal coherence (Owen, 2010). There have been economists who have propounded numerous theories for example Simons (1959) theory that bounded rationality satisficing rather than maximizing, Watts and Zimmerman (1978) theory that highlighted managerial self interest as a component of the principal agent relationship and Bryers theory of political economy of accounting (Owen, 2010). Yet, all these theories have, over time, also been over-shadowed by the perfect market approach which also suffers from weaknesses (Owen, 2010). Perfect capital markets A perfect market can be defined as one that bears one price that balances demand and supply, and where buyers and sellers are satisfied with such a price. It is a market where one price rules over the whole market and there are no special deals or offers (Owen, 2009a). Further, a perfect capital market, according to the oft quoted definition, is a market without any arbitrage opportunities. The main characteristics of a perfect capital market would comprise of: one price that clears the market, one interest rate, one rate of return on capital, and also a single price for risk (Owen, 2009a). However, the apparent weaknesses in the economists perfect market model emanate primarily from too much importance being given to individual decision-making and the associated assumptions being unrealistic (Owen, 2009a). The weaknesses in the stakeholder approach, on the other hand, stem from too much importance lent to firm level thinking, the need for stakeholders to be prioritised, underestimating the usefulness of accounting and the separation of finance from accounting. These weaknesses in both the approaches highlight the need for developing another diametrically opposite approach to understand the contemporary markets (Owen, 2009a). Contemporary Markets International economists braved the contemporary world of financial and capital market globalisation along with continually floating exchange rates. They organised this with analytical tools and apparatus that was inherited from the past which rendered them incapable to predict what that contemporary world evolve into (Blecker, 2001, p 1-3). This contemporary era is mainly characterised by severe volatility of exchange rates, unrelenting breaches of purchasing power parity, persistent trade imbalances, recurring financial crises, and todays globally interrelated business cycles for instance the recent global downturn of 2000-01. These characteristics were not really what the advocates of the new order had promised or expected (Blecker, 2001, p 1-3). Primarily, mainstream global economists have endorsed the liberalisation of commodity trade as well as capital markets. They have also promoted the move towards flexible exchange rates. However, there have been a few noteworthy conventional dissenters regarding the last point that support permanently set nominal exchange rate parities (Blecker, 2001, p 1-3). Limitations of economists views Since the 1970s global economists have been busy developing novel theoretical and econometric models to attempt to understand the new realities of international finance. Such models are exemplified right from Dornbuschs (1976) pioneering exchange rate overshooting model through to the latest work regarding self-fulfilling speculative attacks, panics and bubbles Through their pioneering effort, international economists have endeavoured to elucidate the exchange rates volatility which was not forecasted by the earlier generations of models (Blecker, 2001, p 1-3). Frequent econometric tests have found certain original stylised facts regarding the global financial system. These facts comprise fairly forceful findings. One finding is regarding the covered interest parity that holds amongst nations permitting liberalised capital flows, whereas uncovered interest parity as well as real interest parity do not hold. Another finding establishes that relative purchasing power parity (PPP) is usually broken at least in the medium and short term, and perhaps also in the long term. A further finding corroborates that no exchange-rates model which is fundamentals-based can forecast their short-term movements time after time better than the supposition of a random walk. Also, current account imbalances have only enlarged and more unrelentingly since the 1980s (Blecker, 2001, p 1-3). Nevertheless, despite these real intellectual advances, the fundamental investigative framework of nearly all international economists stays mired in past intellectual habits. The core theoretical models relating to international economics are still based on suppositions that refute the current realities of global financial markets (Blecker, 2001, p 1-3). Previous ideas for example PPP, the law of comparative advantage, mechanical balance of 3-payments adjustment and also expected exchange rates continue as benchmarks for research. They also dictate both policy advice and pedagogy. As in numerous other spheres of economics, developments at the knowledge frontiers have not percolated back to transform the fundamental models that nearly all economists deploy to manage their thoughts regarding the global economy (Blecker, 2001, p 1-3). Europes Dilemna After years of economic austerity and stringent monetary policies, economies across Europe have definitely reached a turning point in their economic development regarding downsizing of the public sector, sluggish growth of per capita incomes, mounting unemployment, job insecurity along with the surfacing of disadvantaged economic subcultures in many such economies (McNutt, 1996). There is an acknowledged requirement to make heavy investments in a wide range of social sector programmes. This is needed to exploit the cluster economies entrenched in many economies. Economic theory does offer a few guidelines on the modus-operandi of the distribution of the proposed expenditure (McNutt, 1996). Endowment theories recommend that the expenditure be apportioned to the more prolific regions. Further, altruism theories advise that the expenditure be apportioned to the more underprivileged regions, whereas rent-seeking theories direct the flow of expenditures to groups that generate the maximum private benefit. On the other hand, unemployment subsists in European countries possibly because of the linkage of real wages to the cost of living. In such a case, trade liberalisation may offer a considerable stimulus to output and employment through lowering of living costs as also the reduced costs to the transnational corporation of employing labour (McNutt, 1996). Challenges for economists theorising of global capital markets The recent financial crisis compelled both economic policymakers and economists to reassess various basic issues. These issues present numerous challenges, of which the major three are as discussed below. The first challenge is to properly understand the root causes that led to the financial crisis and how to avert their recurrence. The next challenge is to fix the damage caused to the public finances by the crisis. The third challenge concerns the necessity to draw the correct conclusions to enable economic analysis (Liikanen, 2010, p3-5). Accordingly, the primary challenge is to avert similar future crises. The financial crisis enlightened policymakers with many things. Possibly the most important were the holes in the knowledge base relating to systemic risks. The theory of systemic risk is not unknown as such, although the crisis exposed several fresh dimensions of systemic risk. Prior to the crisis, it was not comprehended how complex the links are amongst the global financial markets. It was also not known that a sufficiently extensive disruption could freeze the markets. Although the global financial markets did not give way in October-November 2008, yet it was so close that a similar risk could not be accepted any longer (Liikanen, 2010, p3-5). A fundamental dilemma in the present debate is the inability of economics to offer lucid guidance as to the kinds of instruments that could be deployed to execute this kind of stability policy. The conventional toolkit of monetary policy viz. money supply analysis and interest rate policy is well-established at the centre of the economics discipline. Yet, the integration of financial intermediation and financial markets with the consequent macroeconomic analysis is even today in its infancy. The appropriate approaches are yet to be established and this provides a distinct challenge for the economics discipline in the future years (Liikanen, 2010, p3-5). The second main economic policy challenge lies in the restoration of the crisis damages to public finances. Subsequent to the financial crisis and the consequential economic crisis, public finances have by and large deteriorated along with increased unemployment, which in some countries has risen quite sharply. The deterioration of general government finances partially reveals the results of various stimulus measures, financial system support and automatic stabilizers. Perhaps even more revealing is the fact that the fall in GDP levels has resulted in clear erosion in the public revenue base. The revenue base is estimated to stay smaller than earlier predicted for many countries. The reason for the smaller revenue base is the estimated reduction of their output potential due to the crisis (Liikanen, 2010, p3-5). The third challenge concerns fundamental issues in economics. Paul Krugman, the acknowledged economist, queried last year appropriately in his already admired column: How did economists get it so wrong? Krugmans fundamental argument lay in the economics profession having gone astray. The fascination for analytical elegance and mathematical acrobatics had locked economics into an ivory tower of frictionless markets and rational economic agents while marginalising attempts to understand the economy as it actually is(Liikanen, 2010, p3-5). Globalisation, Technological Revolution, and the Restructuring of Capitalism Globalisation encompasses both capitalist markets as well as sets of social relations. It also involves flows of capital, commodities, technology, forms of culture, ideas and people across geographical national boundaries through a global networked society. The metamorphosis of both capital and technology functioning together now continues to construct a new interrelated and globalised world (Kellner, 2009, p2-3). A technological revolution concerning the formation of a computerised network of transportation, communication and exchange is the premise of a globalized economy. This co-exists with the expansion of a global capitalist market system which is attracting ever more areas of the world along with different spheres of production, consumption and exchange into its orbit. The technological revolution presumes global computerised networks along with the open movement of information, goods, people and services across national boundaries (Kellner, 2009, p2-3). From this viewpoint, globalisation cannot be comprehended without appreciating the technological and scientific revolutions as also the global capital restructuring which form the matrix and motor of globalisation. Many globalisation theorists, nonetheless, fail on either of the following two counts. They either fail to detect the basic importance of technological and scientific revolution along with the novel technologies that help initiate globalization; else they infer the process via a technological determinist structure that blocks the economic aspects of the institutions and imperatives of capitalism (Kellner, 2009, p2-3). Such biased economists fail to appreciate the co-evolution of capitalism, science and technology. They also fail to appreciate the highly ambiguous and complex system of globalisation that unites capitalism with democracy as well as technological mutations with a further turbulent mix of costs, losses, gains and benefits (Kellner, 2009, p2-3). In this context, economists can be considered to be singularly unqualified to assess the theorising of modern global capital markets based on the above paradigm and evolutionary shifts in the deployment of economic resources. Conclusions It is evident from the foregoing discussion that the vigorous current debate on the global capital markets and its attendant crises cycles has again provoked a reassessment of the prevalent economic theories and their weaknesses. The global capital markets have transformed radically during the twentieth century, especially in the last four decades. To address this transformation, economists have propounded various theories, largely unsuccessfully, to rationalise and explain the tectonic changes. It is evident that contemporary developments concerning capital, technology, knowledge, science and other economic resources deployment have not percolated back to improve the weak economic models that are used to fashion a large part of contemporary economic thinking. Economic analysis has now been reduced to forecasting. It is apparent that the economic profession has failed in its primary function of assessing and managing the integrated and globalised capital market economies, primarily due to inherent limitations in its economic theories. To understand todays integrated and seamless global capital markets, economists need to take a holistic global view on the evolution across all economic, political, scientific and technological advancements worldwide. Economic theories will need to address all the relevant challenges to avert future capital market crises. This analysis has particularly exposed that it is impossible to foretell econometrically regarding circumstances wherein current institutions will operate, based on reasons that are predicted under old institutions. Therefore, economists ideas of perfect capital markets are unable to aid the theorising of contemporary global capital markets. References Blecker, R.A., 2001. Financial globalization, exchange rates and international trade, Paper prepared for the conference on Financialization of the Global Economy, Political Economy Research Institute (PERI), University of Massachusetts, Available at: http://www.peri.umass.edu/fileadmin/pdf/financial/fin_Blecker.pdf (accessed November 16, 2010). Bryer, R.A., 1994. Why Marxs Labour Theory is Superior to the Marginalist Theory of Value: The Case From Modern Financial Reporting, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 5(4), 313-340. Bryer, R.A., 1999. A Marxist Critique of the FASBs Conceptual Framework, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 10(5), 551-589. Bryer, R.A., 2000a. The History of Accounting and the Transition to Capitalism in England- Part One: Theory, Accounting Organizations and Society, 25(2), 131- 162. Bryer, R.A., 2000b. The History of Accounting and the Transition to Capitalism England Part Two: The Evidence, Accounting Organizations and Society, 25(4/5), 327-381. Bryer, R.A., 2004. The roots of modern capitalism: a Marxist accounting history of the origins and consequences of capitalist Landlords in England, The Accounting HistoriansJournal (Vol.31, No.1, June 2004), pp.1-56. Kellner, D., 2009. Theorizing Globalization, Available at: http://gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/essays/theorizingglobalization.pdf (accessed November 17, 2010). Liikanen, E., 2010. Economic policy and economic theory facing challenges after the financial crisis, Speech by Mr Erkki Liikanen, Governor of the Bank of Finland, at the Finnish Economic Association annual meeting, Tampere University, Tampere, 5 February 2010, BIS Review 23/2010. McNutt, P.,1996. The essence of global political economy, European Business Review Volume 96 Number 5 1996, pp. 4-12. Owen, A.S., 2005. Literature review on political economy of accounting. Owen, A. S., 2009. Bryers investor capitalism approach. Ppt presentation of Bryers (1993) The Late Nineteenth-Century Revolution in Financial Reporting: Accounting for the Rise of Investor or Managerial Capitalism? Published in Accounting, Organizations and Society Vol.18 No.78 p.649-690. Owen, A.S.2009a. The law of one price in finance. Owen, A.S., 2010. Classical mode of theorising: methodology for business, management finance. Toporowski, J., 2000. The End of Finance: The Theory of Capital Market Inflation, Financial Derivavtives and Pension Fund Capitalism, London: Routledge. Toporowski, J., 2002. Mathematics as Natural Law: An Epistemological Critique of Formalism in Economics, in S.C. Dow, M. Desai and P. Arestis (eds.) Methodology, Macroeconomics and Keynes, Essays in Honour of Victoria Chick Volume Two London: Routledge. Toporowski, J., 2003. Finance and Political Economy, Paper presented at the Economics for the Future Conference, Cambridge 17-19 September 2003.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Academic excellence is the only way to success Essay
What is academic excellence about? Is it how many marks we get? Or is it the number of competitions we win? It is much more than that. We often say that getting good marks is what academic excellence is about, but no it is the process of education we go through. From learning ABC in kindergarten we go to learning History, Science, Maths and more in higher grades. This process of academic excellence gives us the potential to be a good human being. It provides us with the strong base of knowledge we require to build our building of life. The process and excellence provides us with the skill to sculpt our life the way we want it to be, to help us shape it and decide what we want in life. It teaches us to use this skill and knowledge by pushing our limits further by working hard in the direction of the goal. This hard work helps us to climb the stairs of success. The knowledge base, skill and hard work talk about our inner selves. Here comes the topic of our outer selves. The outer self is what we show to others around us. We improve it when we work as a team. Learning teamwork helps us achieve more as in our future the jobs we do depend on teamwork. Working with others a increases our ethics as we interact with others and it also teaches us to communicate politely and properly, also the process of academics prepares us for the competitive life ahead. On completing this process the certificate of excellence or degree we get on completing our education. That degree is the first impression we give to our interviewers on applying for a job. And in today’s world people who achieve academic excellence are respected and idolised. Some may say that the great men of our like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs did not achieve academic excellence. But such examples we can count on our fingers. Such people are one in a million. What about the rest of the world? The worldwide population is crossing 7 billion, what about those people? They would not be able to achieve anything in their lives without academic excellence. Concluding my debate here I fell that ‘’Academic excellence is success in itself’’.
Friday, January 10, 2020
A Secret Weapon for Common App Essay Samples
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