Saturday, May 23, 2020
Police Brutality Is Becoming A Trend - 1167 Words
Police brutality is becoming a trend in America. Tensions among the public and especially the African American community are rising due to the latest cases of police brutality. Many people believe that we have come far in this society but to be honest Racism is still a factor. The use of brutal and lethal force by some police officers leading to unnecessary deaths have African American parents on edge to send their children outside for anything. Law enforcement and people whom we trust with our lives are the very same to take it. Some people may want to argue that these cases such as the shooting of Michael brown and choking of Eric Garner are isolated incidents. Others would argue that the work of a police officer is too difficult and that sometimes an officer needs to use such force in order to enforce the law and protect him/herself while on duty. Law enforcement proclaims to feel threatened however what about the civilians who feel threatened of becoming the next target or vict im of prey. The society is well aware that not all police commit these crimes and that we do still have law abiding officers. However, with the effort from everyone we can eradicate the bad apples and create a safer road for the officers and civilians. African Americans are more likely to become victims of racial profiling than our Caucasian counterparts. â€Å"Racial profiling†refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicionShow MoreRelatedHip Hop : A Cultural And Artistic Phenomenon868 Words  | 4 Pagesspeaking to them in a language and manner they understand. Defining the Hip Hop trend is not an easy task, trends are in essence very complex mechanisms that mirror changes in the economic and political landscapes. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Effective Communication Across Cultures Relating Business...
Introduction Establishing and maintaining good relations with others and particularly the customers and potential customers is very important in becoming a successful business person in whichever sector one is engaged in; be it technology or finance. However, due to global cultural differences, companies may face several challenges when aiming to expand and become more competent in the market. Therefore, one should seek diverse cultural knowledge from a certain environment before engaging ones business in that specific area. The focus of this study will be on how to relate business with a member from the Indian community. To achieve maximum results in communication, one has to focus first on the background of Indians as far as business is concerned. For starters, we learn that Indians have a diverse culture with 16 different official languages. One would find it extremely exhausting to have to learn all the 16 languages in order to convey clear and concise messages; however, Indians have had to embrace the English language. The opportunity for expansion of companies is quite promising in the Indian market. Indians still hold to the caste system thus makes sure that a hierarchy is maintained within the structure of business. Since most companies are family businesses, one individual from the family who has a strong will is chosen to head and is the one who is entitled to pass down instructions in an authoritarian manner. The instructions are to be followed to the letterShow MoreRelatedHrm Practices at Inf osys14494 Words  | 58 Pagescountry in many HR surveys in the recent years. The company is well known for its employee friendly HR practices. Though Infosys has grown to become a US $ 2 billion company by the year 2006, it has still retained the culture of a small company. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Definition Essay on Redneck Free Essays
Redneck You might be a redneck if you have ever mowed the lawn and found a car. We have all heard this famous phrase, along with many more, from the comedian Jeff Foxworthy. But what does being a redneck really mean? Many southern people have been stereotyped as rednecks because of their accents, slang and lack of formal communication ability. We will write a custom essay sample on Definition Essay on Redneck or any similar topic only for you Order Now But it takes more than just the way a person talks to make them a redneck, like attitude and appearance. The term â€Å"redneck†began being widely used after the hippie era when men started cutting there long hair short enough to burn their necks. A white member of the southern rural laboring class is how a knowledgeable person has officially defined â€Å"redneck†. Yes, they are from rural areas and are from a working class of people, though it does take more than language and accent to classify someone as a redneck. A redneck will wear shorts and boots for the comfort not because it is a fashion statement. It’s someone that would rather go mudding or four wheeling on a weekend, rather than going for a dinner and a movie. Thoughts of getting dirty doesn’t send them running for the nearest bathroom where they can clean themselves up. Rednecks are not afraid of backbreaking manual labor, but after work they are going to blow off steam all night. They will generally get an hour or two’s worth of sleep before returning to work to sweat out the alcohol from the night before. Rednecks are very proud to be Americans, they generally chew tobacco, and hunting and fishing is a big part of who they are. Rednecks are generally big fans of football and could tell you every driver in a Nascar race. Gucci, Macy’s, and malls, are not places that you will see a redneck shopping. Just go to your local Wal-Mart and you will surely see many there doing there one stop shopping. Where else can you buy hunting supplies, guns and ammo, fishing gear, food, clothing, and electronics all in one store? Picture this, a full moon high in the sky, with more stars shining than a person could count in a month. A vibrantly green field outlined with trees, with a creek running across the back. A dirt road along the outside edge of he field leading to the back corner where there are four wheel drive trucks backed up to a red glowing bonfire that was built with what was found along the creek bank. The trucks look as if they have been dipped like an ice cream cone, but only in mud. Coolers filled with beer are closely positioned around the people that are sitting on the tailgates and standing around the fire. ‘Something Bout a Truck,’ blasting from a stereo that cost more than the truck cost before the big mud tires were put on. Without a worry or a care in the world this party will continue until the wee hours of the morning. This is a true example of what a redneck is. A simple, every day, hard working person who could care less what this week’s fashion statement is. They are who they are, and if you don’t like it, they don’t care. They are a laid back partying group that are just out to blow off steam and have some fun. Many people say that being called a redneck is a bad thing, but rednecks are proud of who they and for them it an honor. How to cite Definition Essay on Redneck, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Driver Behavior and Environmental Performance †
Question: Discuss about the Driver Behavior and Environmental Performance. Answer: Introduction: The company that is being considered as per the requirements of the report is a transportation company situated in Singapore. The transportation industry of Singapore is facing an issue based on the availability of the services that the companies aim at providing. The concerned company, Comfort transportation, aims at rendering the required services to its clients. However, the company is facing interruptions in the services that are being provided by the organization due to the involvement of the private cars in the sector. The owners of the private cars are taking over the market of the concerned company through their uninterrupted services (Phillips Phillips, 2016). The technological advancements made by the sector have helped in undertaking a proficient networking based on the specific requirements of the clients. Failing to adhere to the technological advancements made by the sector, the employees are losing the clients, which are resulting to a loss of resource for the organiz ation. The employees, due to their limited technological knowledge, are not undertaking the proper usage of the portal and the user interface (Young, Birrell Stanton, 2012). It is resulting to the loss of clients, which affects the market of the organization. The loss of the market has affected the situation of the company largely. It has affected the availability of the organizational resources in the market. The organization must undertake proper training sessions in order to ensure the proficiency of the employees to adopt themselves to the technological advancements and thereby understand their respective job roles (McCarthy Milner, 2013). The most important steps that must be enumerated by the organization in order to retain the rate of the clients are to train the employees on the orientation and the development of the linguistic skills. It helps in the better understanding of the elements that is required by the organization to bring about the change in the organizational structure and the market. The training sessions will help the employees of the organization to cope up with the technological and the other aspects, which they might face while performing their respective job roles. Learning outcomes and the importance of the training The training session that the organization aims at undertaking will help the employees in understanding the usage of the various technologies that are being included in their respective job roles. The proper usage of the resources will help in the retention of the clients. The most important consideration undertaken by the organization relating to the training is based in the requirements of the change that the organization is required to undertake (Khisty Lall, 2017). It helps in improving the situation of the organization in the market. The training is aimed at yielding the following outcomes that is being enumerated in this section of the analysis. The training will help the employees in improving their linguistics and thereby enhance their understanding of the different languages used by the clients The training will also enhance the technological understanding of the employees, which will help them in understanding the varied requirements of the clients The training will induce the proper professional behavior in the employees which will help in undertaking the improvements in the organizational structure The training is an important aspect as it includes the various schemes of improvements that the organization might undertake considering the required changes. The methods that are being undertaken by the organization based on the requirements of the organization to bring about the change in the structure of the organization. It helps in the better understanding of the goals and their respective implementation. The training that is being undertaken by the organization aims at improving the situation of the organization in the respective sections. The following steps that the organization might take during the training session are being enumerated in this section of the analysis. The linguistic training The linguistic training that the organization aims at providing will help the employees in understanding the basics of certain languages. It will help them in understanding the requirements of the foreign clients. The different languages that are being used in this sector is based on the nationality of the clients and their respective cultures (Esser et al., 2013). The company, through this training will help the employees in understanding the basics of the different languages used by the clients, which results to client satisfaction from the services. The training on the technology will help the employees in understanding the usage of the portal and the user interface. It will help in retaining the clients. The over loaded segments of the interface might be managed through the proper allocation of the clients to the different user portals. Therefore, the organization takes steps in order to guide the employees, most specifically the drivers in order to bring about the change in the situation of the organization. Proper training must be provided by the organization in order to ensure the safety of the clients who are taking a ride in their vehicles (Chang Hung, 2013). The most important step that is being undertaken by the organization is based on the retention of the clients. Therefore, the organization must make the employees aware of the safety practices that must be undertaken by the people in order to ensure the safety and security of the passengers and the foreign guests. This will help in enhancing the brand loyalty of the organization. Effective communication is an important step that must be undertaken by the organization in the training session in order to make the people aware of the benefits of undertaking effective communications. This also helps in integrating the internal and the external departments of the organization (Asawasakulsorn, 2015). The integration of the departments will result to the improvements that are being planned by the organization. on the other end, training on effective communication will also help the employees in sharing the discrepancies that they are facing in performing their job roles. It will help the organization in bringing in modifications. The training on the usability and the accessibility of the proper channels of communication helps the organization in undertaking proper communication with its staff members (Cummings Worley, 2014). Individual mentoring that is being undertaken by the organization will help in empowering the individuals. It will help the organization in resolving the issues faced by the individuals in performing their job role (Rolim et al., 2012). The most important step that the organization might undertake in this session is to clarify the doubts of the people and thereby ensure the safe and efficient functioning of their respective job roles. The assessment that is being undertaken by the organization in order to understand the efficiency of the training session is based on the requirements of the organization to bring in the change. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the training session and thereby assess the change that is being undertaken, the organization might maintain a record of the situation before and after the training (Tolley Turton, 2014). The differentiation of the activities and the situations before the training and after the training will yield the results of the effectiveness of the training. Required resources In order to undertake the training the organization will be requiring a set of resources. The resources will help the organization in undertaking the training program with ease. The required resources are being enumerated in this section of the report. The training materials refer to the readings and the lessons that the training seeks to achieve. The content of the training materials and the serially arranged form helps in the proper undertaking of a training session. The materials therefore are required to be developed in accordance to the needs of the training session that the organization aims at providing. Audio-visual presentations must be developed in order to enhance the understanding of the delegates attending the training session. It helps in the effective undertaking of the training by the organization. References Asawasakulsorn, A. (2015). Transportation Collaboration: Partner Selection Criteria and Interorganizational System Design Issues for Supporting Trust.International Journal of Business and Information,4(2). Chang, L. Y., Hung, S. C. (2013). Adoption and loyalty toward low cost carriers: The case of TaipeiSingapore passengers.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,50, 29-36. Cummings, T. G., Worley, C. G. (2014).Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Esser, K., Hillebrand, W., Messner, D., Meyer-Stamer, J. (2013).Systemic competitiveness: new governance patterns for industrial development. Routledge. Khisty, C. J., Lall, B. K. (2017).Transportation engineering. Pearson Education India. McCarthy, G., Milner, J. (2013). Managerial coaching: challenges, opportunities and training.Journal of Management Development,32(7), 768-779. Phillips, J. J., Phillips, P. P. (2016).Handbook of training evaluation and measurement methods. Routledge. Rolim, C. C., Gonalves, G. N., Farias, T. L., Rodrigues, . (2012). Impacts of electric vehicle adoption on driver behavior and environmental performance.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,54, 706-715. Tolley, R., Turton, B. J. (2014).Transport systems, policy and planning: a geographical approach. Routledge. Young, M. S., Birrell, S. A., Stanton, N. A. (2012). Safe driving in a green world: A review of driver performance benchmarks and technologies to support smartdriving.Applied ergonomics,42(4), 533-539.
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